Of course I have a bit of an eye for it, but with the warm weather over the weekend ants could be seen just about everywhere I went. The gas station, grocery store parking lot, and even my neighbor's driveway are bustling with ant activity. Without going over the books I would guess that ant calls are up 50% in the last week alone.
With billions and billions of ants out looking for food it isn't too far fetched to imagine that a few might find their way in to your home if not properly protected. That pantry full of cereals, sugar, and other baking goods are an irresistible lure to these six legged insects. The best defense against an invading army of ants is a routine spraying schedule.
Having the outside of your home properly sprayed creates a nearly impenetrable barrier against a variety of insects, spiders, and scorpions. At Delcon Pest Control we offer two specialized tiers of home bug spraying. The standard spray is perfect for maintaining a bug free home. The next level is the power spray which is a knockout punch for existing infestations. If you are unsure which would be best for your home and family please give us a call for a consultation!
Stay tuned for our next blog post about pigeon control in Las Vegas.